Katja Perätalo
Katja Perätalo
Katja Perätalo advises clients in industrial construction projects in all phases of negotiation and execution, and both in terms of non-contentious and contentious aspects. Katja has particular expertise in EPC & EPCM projects (based on FIDIC terms and otherwise), projects based on disaggregated contracting/procurement strategies, and Contracts & Claims Management leadership both on a global organisational level and within a particular project or contract. She works on projects across industries ranging from renewable energy, green hydrogen, nuclear and bioproducts to production plants and facilities within e.g. oil&gas, defence, food and pharma. She is also active in Hannes Snellman’s ESG Group.
Katja holds a Doctor of Laws / LL.D. degree from the University of Helsinki and a M.Sc. (tech) degree from Aalto University. Her doctoral dissertation covers the interface between tort and contract law in the context of liabilities between parties of a large-scale construction project. She is a recurring speaker on topics especially within construction and contract law.
Before joining Hannes Snellman, Katja was in charge of contracts & claims management and a member of the management team of the procurement organisation at one of the largest industrial companies in Finland. She also has several years of experience from working in another leading Finnish law firm, including a secondment to a leading international law firm in London. Katja originally started her career as an analyst in the real estate sector.
Katja is a former international-level athlete, a European Championship finalist, and World Championship semi-finalist. She held Finnish national records in swimming from 2004 to 2015.
Exceptionally good in her line of expertise. Thorough understanding of both legal aspects as well as the real-life challenges that the client is facing. Always available, easy to work with.
IFLR1000, 2023
Counsel to SSAB in its transformation project initiated with the decision to build a fossil-free mini-mill in Luleå, Sweden. Once completed, the new mini-mill will replace the current blast furnace-based steel production system, resulting in an estimated 7% reduction of the total CO2 emissions of Sweden. Our team has advised SSAB in e.g. the contracting structure of the project and negotiation of process equipment contracts for the project as lead counsel.
Deal Value
EUR 4.5 billion
Counsel to SSAB

Katja Perätalo

Maria Landtman

Emmi Nuutila

Linda Härkönen

Axel Rosengren

Elina Uitto

Rauli Elenius

Victoria Reiter

Jesper Nevalainen

Lasse Riski

Simon Mittler
Hannes Snellman advises SSAB in its pre-study phase project to build a Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plant in Mississippi, USA. The contemplated DRI plant would be based on HYBRIT® technology, which is the first fossil-free (hydrogen based) steelmaking technology in the world with virtually no carbon footprint. Once operational, the plant will be the first commercial-scale facility of its kind.
Deal value
Value not public
Lead counsel to SSAB in e.g. the negotiation of an EPCM contract for the project

Katja Perätalo

Emmi Nuutila

Linda Härkönen

Elina Uitto

Victoria Reiter

Jesper Nevalainen

Lasse Riski

Simon Mittler
Keliber Oy, Metso Outotec
Counsel to Keliber in respect of the construction and supply contracts pertaining to the company’s lithium project in Central Ostrobothnia, Finland. The project is one of the most significant battery chemical projects in Europe. Keliber has now signed a contract with Metso Outotec to supply a concentrator plant in Kaustinen and a lithium hydroxide plant in Kokkola, which is one of the key deliveries in respect of the project.
Value not public
Counsel to Keliber Oy

Katja Perätalo

Maria Landtman

Emmi Nuutila
State of Finland and its Defence Forces
Counsel to the State of Finland and its Defence Forces in the project to procure a fighter aircraft system to replace its current fleet of 64 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft.
Deal value
EUR 10 billion
Counsel to the State of Finland and its Defence Forces.

Rabbe Sittnikow

Maria Landtman

Katja Perätalo

Emmi Nuutila

Jesper Nevalainen

Markus Manninen

Olli Mäkelä

Mikko Huimala

Antti Nyberg

Matias Moberg

Anni Ollus

Nora Mansikka

Jessica Riipi
Counsel to OX2 in respect of the construction contracts for full grid and balance of plant (including transmission line, balance of plant works, substation, and transformers) in respect of the 145,2 MW Niinimäki wind farm in the municipality of Pieksämäki, Finland.

Maria Landtman

Katja Perätalo

Emmi Nuutila
Counsel to Exilion in the Construction and Financing of Isokangas and Palokangas Wind Farms. The projects will be constructed in Ii in northern Ostrobothnia, Finland, and will have an aggregate capacity of 100MW. The estimated yearly production of the two wind farms will be around 320,000 MWh. Our team advised Exilion in respect of negotiating turbine supply and services, balance of plant and financing agreements.

Maria Landtman

Katja Perätalo

Heikki Majamaa

Katja Heikkinen

Julia Ranta
Veolia Services Suomi Oy, Metsä Fibre
Veolia Services Suomi Oy’s project to build a crude methanol processing plant in connection with Metsä Fibre's Äänekoski bioproduct mill plant in Äänekoski
Deal Value:
Value not public
Counsel to Veolia Services Suomi Oy

Katja Perätalo

Maria Landtman

Emmi Nuutila

Anna-Maria Tamminen

Klaus Metsä-Simola

Päivi Tammilehto
Acted as counsel to OX2 in respect of the construction contracts for full grid and balance of plant (including transmission lines, balance of plant works, substations and transformers) in respect of a 455 MW wind farm in Lestijärvi, Finland. Once operational, the wind farm will be the largest in Finland.

Maria Landtman

Katja Perätalo

Emmi Nuutila
Keliber Oy, Sweco
Keliber signed an engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) contract with Sweco in respect of a project, which comprises a concentrator plant and lithium mines in Kaustinen, Kokkola and Kruunupyy, and a lithium hydroxide plant in Kokkola.
Value not public
Counsel to Keliber Oy

Juha Lindström

Maria Landtman

Katja Perätalo

Klaus Metsä-Simola
YIT Oyj, Ålandsbanken Wind Power Fund
YIT Oyj's wind power development project with Ålandsbanken Wind Power Fund, where YIT agreed to sell the project, deliver the balance of plant construction works and manage the construction of the wind farm until commencement of the operation. The aggregate maximum production capacity of the project is 90 MW.
Value not public
Counsel to YIT Oyj

Tapio Teräkivi

Maria Landtman

Katja Heikkinen

Katja Perätalo
- "Katja Perätalo is superb with her wide understanding of the construction business, same as Maria Landtman. They provide excellent expertise through their argumentation and understand the business logic very well. So with them it is fluent to manage even the toughest and longest of negotiations.", Real Estate And Construction, Legal 500, 2024
- "Cheerfulness. Proactive and constructive. Exceptionally good in her line of expertise. Thorough understanding of both legal aspects as well as the real-life challenges that the client is facing. Always available, easy to work with.", IFLR1000, 2023
- Ranked as Next Generation Partners, Real Estate And Construction, Legal 500, 2023-2024
- "Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Sharp legal mind and very good project management. Availability, even temper and disposition. Solution-oriented and very diligent and detail-oriented while keeping in mind the need to reach a resolution and balance competing interests. Well liked by operational teams.", IFLR1000, 2022
Memberships and Positions of Trust
- Member of the Mediation Committee of the Finnish Bar Association, 2024–2026
- Accredited mediator at the Mediation Register of the Finnish Bar Association, 2023-
- The Finland Arbitration Institute (FAI) Arbitration Academy, 2022
- Urhea (Pääkaupunkiseudun urheiluakatemia), Member of the Board, 2009–2013
- Rakentamisen vastuut murroksessa: uusi kaavoitus- ja rakentamislaki ja teollinen rakentaminen. Teoksessa Hemmo, M, Hoppu, K, Norros, O & Pönkä, V (eds) 2022, Yksityisoikeus ja oikeuskulttuuri: Juhlajulkaisu Heikki Halila 1952 - 26/5 - 2022, s. 373-836. Edita, Keuruu.
- Vastuumuotoerottelu ja rakennusurakka - Velvoiteoikeudellinen tutkimus sopimuksen ja deliktin väliselle rajapinnalle sijoittuvista vahingonkorvauskysymyksistä rakennusurakan vastuuasetelmien kontekstissa, Alma Talent 2020
- Lectio praecursoria: Katja Perätalo, Vastuumuotoerottelu ja rakennusurakka, Lakimies 7-8/2020
- Joint and several liability in the context of construction projects, Oikeustiede–Jurisprudentia L:2017 (Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys, the Finnish Lawyers' Society) 2017
- Tort liability between parties to a construction project, Oikeustiede–Jurisprudentia XLVII:2015 (Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys, the Finnish Lawyers' Society) 2015
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Construction - Country Guide Finland (Co-author),
IBA International Construction Projects Committee 2014 - Liability of principal designer towards special designer in a builder-driven construction design project, Business Law Forum (University of Helsinki) 2013
Education and Professional Background
- Partner, Hannes Snellman, 2024–
- Specialist Partner, Hannes Snellman, 2021–2024
- Counsel, Hannes Snellman, 2020–2021
- Neste Corporation, 2016–2020
- Castrén & Snellman, 2012–2016
- Seconded Lawyer, Simmons & Simmons, 2015
- Mrec, 2011
- Asuntoturva, 2009–2011
- Doctor of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2020
- Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2012
- Master of Science (Technology), Aalto University, 2010
Recent Speaking Engagements
- Suspension over chains of contracts in Nordic industrial construction projects at Nordic Conference on Construction Law, January 2025
- FIDIC vs YSE 1998 in Finnish construction projects at Alma Insights annual Construction Disputes Day, November 2024
- Alma Talent’s seminar on industrial procurement and construction related to green transition production plants, November 2024
- The Nordic approach to the relationship between contract and tort liability, UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre Workshop in Rome, October 2024
- Sopimusneuvottelujen hyvät ja huonot käytännöt, Wind Finland Oulu 2024 'Rakentaminen ja tuotanto' Seminar, February 2024
- Teollisten rakennushankkeiden erityispiirteet, Finnish Bar Association's 'Rakennushankkeiden sopimukset ja erimielisyydet' seminar, February 2023
- Rakennuttamisen sopimukselliset erityispiirteet vihreän siirtymän investoinneissa, Rakennuttaminen 2023 Seminar, January 2023
- Energiamurros ja vihreän siirtymän investoinnit Suomessa: projektirakentamiseen liittyvien erimielisyyksien erityispiirteet ja niiden ehkäisy projektin eri vaiheissa, Lakimiesliitto, Alma Talent Rakennusriitapäivä seminar, November 2022
- Wind power construction – how to mitigate disputes before, during and after construction?, Wind Finland, October 2022
- Liabilities in wind power construction – how to mitigate disputes before, during and after construction?, Wind Finland Goes Construction, March 2022
- Energiamurros ja investoinnit Suomessa - teollisten rakentamissopimusten erityispiirteet, Alma Talent Rakennusjuridiikka 2022 seminar, March 2022
- Vastuumuotoerottelu ja rakennusurakka, Asianajajaliitto, Raksajuridiikkaa konkareille seminar, September 2021