Joakim Frände
Joakim Frände
Joakim specialises in domestic and international taxation of individuals. Joakim has advised customers especially on matters relating to relocation and cross-border taxation of individuals, as well as employer obligations and social security contributions in assignment setups. He has gained experience in the implementation of key person remuneration such as bonus programmes, share awards, options, and RSUs. Furthermore, Joakim is familiar with tax litigations and advises customers on tax pre-rulings, correction claims, complaints to boards of corrections and administrative courts, tax inspections, etc.
Joakim has worked at the University of Helsinki as a doctoral student and lecturer in fiscal law, with special focus on international taxation of individuals. He graduated as a Master of Laws in 2005 from the University of Helsinki and as a Doctor of Laws in 2013 with a published doctoral dissertation concerning situations of dual residence in the taxation of individuals. As a lecturer, Joakim taught several courses mainly in tax law. Joakim has also co-published two tax law books intended for teaching purposes.
Provides excellent tax advice with a deep understanding of international matters.
Tax | Legal 500, 2023
Counsel to a client in the engineering and construction sector in arrangement of group internal foreign postings. The advice concerned questions within employment, social security, and tax regulations.

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Ingrid Remmelgas

Joakim Frände

Ilmari Mäkimattila
Applied Materials Inc. (buyer), Picosun Oy (target)
The acquisition of Picosun Oy, an innovator in atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology, primarily for specialty semiconductors.
Deal Value:
Value not public
Finnish counsel to Applied Materials Inc.

Sofia Saarelainen

Heidi Haanpää

Juha Lindström

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Anniina Somppi

Oona Eerola

Joakim Frände

Sofia Ropo

Rauli Elenius

Jon Termonen
Angel Pond Holdings Corporation, MariaDB Corporation Ab
Combination of Angel Pond Holdings Corporation and MariaDB Corporation Ab by way of a domestication merger and cross-border merger, and related transactions
Deal Value
USD 672 million (implied enterprise value of the combined company)
Finnish counsel to Angel Pond Holdings Corporation

Tuire Kuronen

Agda Vähä-Piikkiö

Heidi Haanpää

Susanna Purovirta

Heikki Vesikansa

Harri Vehviläinen

Joakim Frände

Jesper Nevalainen

Hanna Lindberg
Staffbase GmbH, Valo Solutions Oy
Staffbase’s acquisition of Valo Solutions, the Finnish-based leading provider of intranets and workplace solutions.
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Staffbase GmbH

Heidi Haanpää

Satu Kokko

Sofia Saarelainen

Anna Mäkinen

Axel Hård af Segerstad

Ingrid Remmelgas

Joakim Frände

Pauliina Sutinen
Vungle, Inc. (Buyer), GameRefinery Oy (Target)
Vungle, Inc.’s acquisition of GameRefinery Oy
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Vungle, Inc.

Heidi Haanpää

Riikka Kuha

Agda Vähä-Piikkiö

Jenni Parviainen

Joakim Frände

Hanna Lindberg
Amazon (Buyer), Umbra (Target)
The acquisition of Umbra by Amazon.
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Umbra

Emmi Kantola

Jesper Nevalainen

Heikki Vesikansa

Jenni Parviainen

Joakim Frände

Johanna Haltia-Tapio
- "Joakim Frande is great in taxation of individuals.", Tax, Legal 500, 2024
- "Joakim Frände provides excellent tax advice with a deep understanding of international matters.", Tax, Legal 500, 2023
Memberships and Positions of Trust
- Member of Juridiska Föreningen i Finland
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in Lexology In-Depth: Executive Remuneration, 13th Edition, 2024
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 12th Edition, 2023
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in Lexology In-Depth: Executive Remuneration (formerly The Executive Remuneration Review), 12th Edition, 2023
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 11th Edition, 2022
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in The Executive Remuneration Review, 11th Edition, 2022
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 10th Edition, 2021
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in The Executive Remuneration Review, 10th Edition, 2021
- Tuloverotus. 8. uudistettu painos. Talentum Pro. Helsinki 2016. Authors: Andersson, Edward – Linnakangas, Esko – Frände, Joakim.
- Inledning till skatterätten. Åttonde upplagan. Forum Iuris. Helsingfors 2014. Authors: Andersson, Edward – Frände, Joakim.
- Doctoral thesis, Monograph: Dubbelboende vid beskattningen av fysiska personer. Monografi. Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. Helsinki 2013.
- Several articles in different journals.
- Participation in updating the annually published book Elinkeinoverotus by KPMG.
Education and Professional Background
- Specialist Partner, Hannes Snellman, 2024–
- Counsel, Hannes Snellman, 2020–2024
- KPMG, 2017–2020
- University of Helsinki, 2005–2017
- Doctor of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2013
- Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2005