Stefan Stellato
Stefan Stellato
Stefan advises clients in a broad range of tax matters. His practice is mainly focused on private clients, family investment companies, generation shifts, incentives and insurance products – often with an international angle. He is also involved in transactional work and taxation of cryptoassets.
Accel-KKR, Aico Group, Juuri Partners
Accel-KKR’s majority equity investment in Aico Group
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Accel-KKR, a global technology-focused investment firm

Heidi Haanpää

Tero Pikkarainen

Wilma Montonen

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato

Marika Sorsa

Sofia Ropo

Anna Nyberg

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Oona Eerola

Hilma Mäkitalo-Saarinen

Vivi Jaatinen

Rebecca Osola

Anni Ollus
Counsel in a Supreme Administrative Court Yearbook case on taxation of dividend paid on merger consideration shares.

Heikki Vesikansa

Viivi Vikberg

Stefan Stellato
A consortium consisting of Security Trading, Fennogens Investments, Corbis, and Bain Capital (buyer), Caverion Oyj (Target)
Counsel to the offeror consortium consisting of Security Trading, Fennogens Investments, Corbis, and Bain Capital in the recommended public cash tender offer for all shares in Caverion Oyj.
Deal value
EUR 955 million
Counsel to the offeror consortium consisting of Security Trading, Fennogens Investments, Corbis, and Bain Capital

Mikko Heinonen

Klaus Ilmonen

Anniina Järvinen

Aki Salmela

Tuire Kuronen

Riikka Kuha

Heikki Vesikansa

Harri Vehviläinen

Ilmari Mäkimattila

Stefan Stellato
Duunitori Oy and its owners (seller), Intera Partners (buyer)
Counsel to Duunitori Oy and its owners in the sale of majority of Duunitori’s share capital to Intera Partners
Deal Value:
Value not public
Counsel to Duunitori Oy

Axel Hård af Segerstad

Heikki Vesikansa

Ilmari Mäkimattila

Mikko Huimala

Stefan Stellato
Esperi Care (target), Danske Bank, SEB, and Ilmarinen (majority owners), Triton (buyer)
Counsel to Esperi Care and its majority owners Danske Bank, SEB, and Ilmarinen in the acquisition of the majority of Esperi Care’s shares by Triton Smaller Mid Cap Fund II advised by Triton.
Deal Value:
Value not public.
Counsel to Esperi Care and its majority owners

Antti Nyberg

Matias Moberg

Emmi Kantola

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato

Jenni Heurlin
Counsel to Finnish Customs in the public procurement of bitcoin brokerage services. The assignment is related to the Finnish Government’s decision to sell the Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies seized by Finnish Customs and allocate a significant share of the additional revenue to support Ukraine in the current war.

Outi Jousi

Jesper Nevalainen

Anna Mäkinen

Jari Tukiainen

Antti Kuha

Stefan Stellato
Viking Line Abp
Counsel to Viking Line Abp on its EUR 51.8 million issue of new shares with pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders.
Deal Value
EUR 51.8 million
Counsel to Viking Line Abp

Sonja Siggberg

Klaus Ilmonen

Markus Bremer

Hanna Lindberg

Stefan Stellato
Counsel to a Finnish private equity fund in a Supreme Administrative Court Yearbook case confirming the correct application of equity ratio exemption in interest deduction limitations.

Stefan Stellato

Heikki Vesikansa
Virala Acquisition Company Plc, Purmo Group Ltd
Virala Acquisition Company Plc's merger with Purmo Group Ltd.
Deal Value
EUR 685 million
Counsel to Virala Acquisition Company Plc

Sonja Siggberg

Anniina Järvinen

Tommi Kovero

Tero Pikkarainen

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato

Isabella Kartila

Antti Nyberg

Pauliina Sutinen

Axel Hård af Segerstad

Wilhelm Sanmark

Mikko Huimala

Jenni Heurlin
Virala Acquisition Company Plc
Hannes Snellman acted as legal counsel to Virala Acquisition Company Plc on its IPO and the listing of its Class C shares on the SPAC segment of the regulated market of Nasdaq Helsinki
Deal Value
EUR 107.5 million
Counsel to Virala Acquisition Company Plc

Sonja Siggberg

Anniina Järvinen

Sofi Lehtinen

Tommi Kovero

Annemari Rosi

Aki Salmela

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato

Isabella Kartila

Piia Ahonen

Marika Sorsa

Antti Nyberg

Johanna Haltia-Tapio
Counsel to a tax payer in Supreme Administrative Court Yearbook case confirming US GAAP as acceptable basis for transfer pricing.

Jenni Parviainen

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato
Ahlstrom-Munksjö Oyj (target), a consortium consisting of Ahlström Capital, Bain Capital Private Equity, Viknum and Belgrano Inversiones (buyer)
Recommended public cash tender offer for all shares in Ahlstrom-Munksjö Oyj by Spa Holdings 3 Oy
Deal value
Approximately EUR 2.1 billion
Counsel to the consortium

Sonja Siggberg

Antti Kuha

Annemari Rosi

Robert Gordin

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato

Harri Vehviläinen

Antti Nyberg
Optomed Plc
Optomed’s IPO and listing on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange
Deal Value
The offering by the company and its shareholders amounted to approximately EUR 44 million
Counsel to Optomed Plc

Klaus Ilmonen

Heidi Haanpää

Anniina Järvinen

Antti Kuha

Heikki Vesikansa

Jenni Parviainen

Pauliina Sutinen

Stefan Stellato
Counsel in Supreme Administrative Court case confirming equal treatment of a Swedish real estate investor in Finnish taxation

Heikki Vesikansa

Harri Vehviläinen

Stefan Stellato
Outotec Oyj, Metso Corporation
The combination of Outotec and Metso Minerals through a demerger
Deal Value
EUR 3.9 billion (illustrative combined sales)
Counsel to Outotec Oyj

Mikko Heinonen

Klaus Ilmonen

Markus Bremer

Anna-Maria Tamminen

Heikki Vesikansa

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Elina Toivakainen

Jenni Parviainen

Annemari Rosi

Emmi Kantola

Stefan Stellato

Maria Landtman

Harri Vehviläinen
Tieto Corporation, EVRY ASA
The combination of Tieto and EVRY through a cross-border merger
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to EVRY ASA

Klaus Ilmonen

Riikka Kuha

Stefan Stellato
Counsel to CEMEX in its sale of assets in the Baltics and Nordics to the German building materials group SCHWENK, 2019

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Stefan Stellato
Cramo Plc, Adapteo Plc
Cramo’s partial demerger and listing of Adapteo on Nasdaq Stockholm
Deal Value
SEK 5.5 billion
Counsel to Cramo Plc and Adapteo Plc

Sonja Siggberg

Antti Kuha

Elina Toivakainen

Markus Bremer

Stefan Stellato
Precast Holding Oy (Buyer), Elematic HoldCo Oy (Seller), Elematic Oyj (Target), Nordic Trustee (as bonds trustee appointed by Elematic’s
Restructuring of ownership and financing structure of Elematic Oyj
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Nordic Trustee

Heidi Haanpää

Henrik Mattson

Heikki Vesikansa

Stefan Stellato
Qingdao Sifang SRI Intellectual Technology Co. Ltd. (Buyer), Beneq Oy and its shareholders (Sellers), Beneq Oy (Target)
The sale of Beneq Oy to Qingdao Sifang SRI Intellectual Technology Co. Ltd.
Deal Value
Value not public
Counsel to Beneq Oy and its shareholders

Heidi Haanpää

Heikki Vesikansa

Ella Mäkijärvi

Agda Vähä-Piikkiö

Stefan Stellato
Counsel to a client receiving confirmation from the Supreme Administrative Court that despite domestic tax law provisions the treaty dividend participation exemption prevents Finland from taxing a capital repayment from paid-in capital by a US subsidiary.

Heikki Vesikansa

Harri Vehviläinen

Stefan Stellato
Lemminkäinen Corporation and YIT Corporation
The combination of Lemminkäinen Corporation and YIT Corporation through a statutory merger
Deal Value
EUR 771 million
Counsel to Lemminkäinen

Sonja Siggberg

Mikko Heinonen

Markus Bremer

Heikki Vesikansa

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Elina Toivakainen

Laura Tavakka

Heikki Majamaa

Harri Vehviläinen

Jenni Heurlin

Stefan Stellato
Ahlstrom Oyj, Munksjö Oyj
The combination of Ahlstrom and Munksjö through a merger
Deal Value
Approx. EUR 1,2 billion
Lead counsel to Ahlstrom

Sonja Siggberg

Antti Kuha

Heikki Vesikansa

Johanna Haltia-Tapio

Annemari Rosi

Stefan Stellato
- "Stefan Stellato has deep knowledge of international tax matters and provides very logical and clear advice.", Tax, Legal 500, 2024
- "Stefan Stellato is also one to watch.", Tax, Legal 500, 2023
- Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2023: Highly Commended. “The firm helped Finnish customs authorities to conduct a public auction of bitcoin, then worth about €70mn, seized from illegal drug dealers. Funds of about $47mn raised by sale in 2022 were donated to the Ukrainian government.”
Memberships and Positions of Trust
- Board member (deputy) of the Law Society of Finland (Juridiska Föreningen i Finland r.f.), 2023-
- Member of International Fiscal Association (IFA)
- Member of the Finnish Bar Association
- National reporter for Finland of the International Bar Association (IBA), 2020-2022
- Treasurer of the Law Society of Finland (Juridiska Föreningen i Finland r.f.), 2019-2022
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 12th edition, 2023
- Co-author of the article The Court of Justice of the European Union rules that Finnish tax rules discriminate against foreign company form investment funds, MNE Tax, 2022
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 11th edition, 2022
- Co-author of the article Finnish court rules on arm’s length range and transfer pricing adjustment point, MNE Tax, 2021
- Co-author of the article Finnish court accepts US GAAP as basis for transfer pricing in landmark ruling, MNE Tax, 2021
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 10th edition, 2021
- Author of a book review on crypto taxation (available only in Finnish), Verotus-lehti, 2021
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in the third edition of The Corporate Tax Planning Law Review, 2021
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 9th edition, 2020
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in the second edition of The Corporate Tax Planning Law Review, 2020
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 8th edition, 2019
- Co-author of the Finnish Chapter in the inaugural edition of The Corporate Tax Planning Law Review, 2019
- Uraauurtava ratkaisu kansallisen ylimmän tuomioistuimen velvollisuudesta tehdä ennakkoratkaisupyyntö EUT:lle - Groundbreaking Ruling on a National Court’s Obligation to Refer a Question to the ECJ (available only in Finnish), Edilex, 2018
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 7th edition, 2018
- Verolain aukkokohdan täyttäminen – EVL 18 a §:n 3 momentin tasetestin soveltaminen pääomarahastorakenteissa | Filling a Legislative Gap – Application of the Finnish Equity Ratio exemption from interest barrier rule in Private Equity Fund Structures (available only in Finnish) Defensor Legis, 2018
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 6th edition, 2017
- Co-author of the Finland Chapter in The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 5th edition, 2016
Education and Professional Background
- Managing Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2022
- Senior Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2021
- Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration), Hanken School of Economics, 2017
- Associate Lawyer, Hannes Snellman, 2016
- Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2016
- Associate Trainee, Hannes Snellman, 2016
- Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University, New York, 2015
- Trainee, Reims & Co, 2014-2015